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The Hack Scribbler


Daniel Toumine

I wrote this collection of poetry on my smartphone. It fed my judgmental, five second attention span for almost a year. Now as I look back, the body of work is very much a product of its environment. The poems were inspired by run of the mill, everyday situations in which I sampled my over stimulated life, the lives of my friends and the conversations we all shared. Everyone and everything had eventually become my muse. I took notes down on my phone throughout each day and from there I pieced them all together—re-interpreting them as I went a long... like a collage. I write to you now in formal English but please be aware that the following poetry will deviate from standard spelling and punctuation as the body of work is experimental in nature. You will notice a lack of formatting in each of the poems as the medium—my phone—sometimes had a mind of its own (auto-complete and spell-check). The text would wrap to the next line by default, so I didn’t force any line breaks or interruptions. I simply integrated that workflow into the poems and just went with it. Going into this project I was interested in how we use language in a contemporary setting— how we reconfigure language for our needs and convenience—so be prepared for my personal style to collide with Internet vernacular and the instant messaging inspired broken trains of thought. The style of the poems will evolve—ebb and flow—in length, frequency and intensity as the book unravels so I hope you enjoy the ride.
  • Published: 1392913920
  • Length: 174
  • Categories: CA

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