Daniele Bellomi

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Daniele Bellomi lives in Monza and work as a private teacher. He’s achieving a Master Degree in Lettere Moderne at the University of Milan. He’s the co-founder and editor, with Manuel Micaletto, of the blog-project plan de clivage: the project is focused on experimental poetry, non-narrative texts and asemic writing. He’s an author of the experimental writing blog eexxiitt. His texts are in reviews like «il verri» and «Trivio» and can be also seen online on «Poesia da fare», «Niederngasse», «GAMMM», «Nazione Indiana», «lettere grosse», «Poetarum Silva», «Rebstein», «Critica Impura» and «Carte nel vento». His first poetry book, ripartizione della volta (poesie 2009-2012) was published by Cierre Grafica/Anterem Edizioni in 2013.