Sylvia Mae Gorelick
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Sylvia Mae Gorelick is a poet, translator, and student of philosophy. She graduated from Bard College in the Spring of 2013 with a B. A. in philosophy, completing a senior thesis called Songs of the Last Philosopher: Early Nietzsche and the Spirit of Hölderlin. She is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in philosophy at Paris X, Nanterre, where she is continuing her research on Nietzsche. Her chapbooks include Seven Poems for Bill Berkson, The Spider’s Passage, and Two-Suitor 3. Her poems have been published in a variety of journals, including The Brooklyn Rail, Gerry Mulligan, Kunstverein NY, and Other Times. Her writing appeared last year in Heide Hatry’s Not a Rose and her translation work has been published in the fourth volume of Poems for the Millennium, edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour. Her poems will be published in the forthcoming anthologies, In/Filtration and Like Musical Instruments. She is currently translating Paolo D’Iorio’s Le Voyage de Nietzsche à Sorrente to be published by Chicago University Press in 2015.