All of poems in this book are used in my project, "Line 2 Project"(2012). These Poems are attached on the screendoors of 7 station of subway line 2 of Seoul,Korea in October, 28th, 2012.
In Korea, poems are attached to all subway screen doors. These poems are selected by the government, not by passengers. The poems in the subway stations are limited to lyrical and emotional ones, without including
poems which contain reality reflections. Also, the poems have nothing to do with the station where they are attached. I thought that these selected poems had authorized intentions in favor of the government or the system. So I displayed my own 7 poems that reflect our real lives and are related to the station-subway line 2 which contains many social meanings in Seoul, Korea.
- Published: 1392828660
- Length: 70
- Categories: KR
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