Posts Categorized: DK

Sophia Handler

Sophia Handler, born 13-08-1993, danish poet published in literary magazines such as Hvedekorn and OVBIDAT since the very beginning of 2013. Work flickers between impressionism/surreal installations and undertakes themes like scale, communication, individualism, skepticism and so forth.


Silke is a collection of twelve minor prose pieces written during a year. A year allows four seasons and all of these seasons are present in the stories. It’s about love and waves and it’s honest.

Joakim Vilandt

Joakim Vilandt, born 1991, is a musician, poet and musicology student from Copenhagen. His work has earlier seen print in the Danish poetry magazine Hvedekorn. (3 2012, 2 2013 and 4 2013)

Larmens antologi

Larmens antologi er en konstellation af dagbogsuddrag og taberdigte fra Københavns mørke cementjungle. Kun her vil den arbejdsløse poet, spidsborgeren og akademikeren rable i kor. For Larmens antologi handler ikke om noget. Men den kan hades. Antologien er indleveret af Johannes Lamonte og derfra forfattet af Joakim Vilandt.