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This book is a collection of 50 poems written as a final project for a course on ‘Experimental Writing’ taken with Nick Montfort at MIT during the spring semester of 2013. The popular game of Bananagrams was used to generate word sets for the poems, which were then written subject to the constraints that the… Read more »

Jake Barnwell

Born in Florida, I grew up in the United States Virgin Islands, in a humble home near the beach. I attended boarding school at Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts, and now attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I study Computer Science and Engineering and minor in Writing.

Jameson Fitzpatrick

Jameson Fitzpatrick lives in New York, where he is pursuing his MFA in poetry at NYU. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The American Reader, The Awl, The Los Angeles Review, and Poetry, among elsewhere.

The Land Was V There

The Land Was V There includes poems written between 2012-2014. It is comprised of two long poems and a collection of shorter poems. Land centers around themes of identity, cities, class and travel.

Jacob Reber

Jacob Reber is an artist and poet from Rochester, NY. His recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in [out of nothing], West Wind Review, PANK, BlazeVOX and others. He is the author of TAPE 181 [Gauss PDF].

Jungle Juice

The first thing Corwin thought he had the ability to extend was the photograph. He then acknowledged the touch screen. But language? Which meant, systems too relational to be isolated or reducibly observatory. This trend continued and formed, “images,” he hired a citizen to handle his accounts and food (so that his hands weren’t solely… Read more »

EO_ crafterman

EO_ crafterman, EO_gaming, Bob, or StaidDread 49 is awesome. Bob isn’t anywhere near my real name. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…

Kelsins Santos

Born in 1991, Kelsins Santos is undergraduate English major on the verge of graduation. The brief pauses between stress, the silent breathers between life are filled with writing — whether you call it poetry or not is up to you – but everything you need to know about the author is stuffed in short lines… Read more »

Maddy Aby

Maddy is a student at MIT studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She loves to read and write in her spare time.

Addled Powers, Ale Powders

This story is what I like to call a “Slender Epic”: though it seems contradictory, I believe that the story contains all of the features of an Epic (a fantastic, “bigger than life” adventure), with the exception being its length. It is written in the style of a poem, told in two chapters (books). The… Read more »