Posts Categorized: US


Words are so cheap. Act·ions speak loud·er than words. Ed·it it all down to one syl·la·ble. The short ut·ter·ance. The cry. Ed·it·ed. i. The first thought best thought. ii. The Ker·ou·ac in·flu·ence ed·it·ed. iii. The last first thoughts. Re·al·ized pat·terns.


Written from Dec./2013–Feb./11/2014, most of the poems in this book reckon a structure capable of truthing the real and the dreamt, the false and factual: not dissolving these designations but bringing them into play. Raising the voice of their synthesis. The Dark Webs are the commonality our disparate parts portend, where “Washington, Franklin, Paine &… Read more »

Corwin Peck

The first thing Corwin thought he had the ability to extend was the photograph. He then acknowledged the touch screen. But language? Which meant, systems too relational to be isolated or reducibly observatory. This trend continued and formed, “images,” he hired a citizen to handle his accounts and food (so that his hands weren’t solely… Read more »


This is a book of okcupid poetry. All the text has been taken from the language of the site: profile templates, dropdown menus, the site’s “about” page, help pages, etc. Nothing was taken from personal profiles or messages. And yes, I have used the site personally, so this is not intended to be critical or… Read more »

si P es igual a Q

si p es igual a q is a tribute to teen years, to queer love, to wikipedia, to our bodies, to grammar and language, to mystic poetry and to Madrid

Alofa: A celebration of Samoa

Most of these poems explore the mythology and geology of Samoa. This collection investigates how the topography of Samoa interacts with the spirit of the human mind through memory. Other pieces are the product of remembering through forgetting.

Laura V. Rivera

Laura V. Rivera is a Los Angeles based writer and performer originally from Puerto Rico. She is the founding editor of online poetry journal, Circle, which features young emerging Los Angeles artists and poets. Her works include “You Will Close Your Eyes,” a live group hypnosis performed in Machine Project, LA. She is a UCLA… Read more »

Jay Jadick

Hailing from rural nowhere, Jay Jadick is a filmmaker, actor, and poet based in Philadelphia. He has self-published two books. His first book, The Uncreative Subterranean (2012), was a marathon retyping of Kerouac, advised by Kenneth Goldsmith. He also worked on P(auto)COET (2013) with Dylan Hansen-Fliedner and advised by Charles Bernstein. Jadick is co-director/co-editor/co-writer and… Read more »