Posts Categorized: US

Tamas Panitz

Tamas Panitz was born Csongor Külina and lived as such for several weeks in Budapest, Hungary. He moved to Maryland when he was six. He is soon to recieve his B.A. in Written Arts from Bard College. His work has appeared in a series of Chapbooks with Gil Lawson and Sylvia Gorelick (Two-Suitor Press), and… Read more »


What follows is a pataphysical trace of the paths laid by the orange extension cords outlining The Creation Myth, installed as part of the retrospective Jason Rhoades, Four Roads, Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Oren Mabb

Oren Mabb is doing temp work in Portland, OR while he figures out his next move.

Deanna Havas

Deanna Havas was born in New York City in 1989, where she currently lives and works. She received her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2011. Some of her recent work includes a commissioned piece for Rhizome’s The Download and an e-book published through Klaus von Nichtssagend Gallery in New York.

Ana Garriga

Ana Garriga: was born in Salamanca in 1989 moved to Madrid when she was 6 years old studied Spanish Philolgy at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid moved to Montreal for her third year of College and started reading and writing poetry constantly decided to get a PhD in Spanish Literature and write her doctoral thesis about… Read more »

Peter Giebel

I was born in California, raised in the middle of the country, and I’ve been learning to write on the east coast. I’m imagining that if this keeps up, after I finish my MFA in Literary Arts–Poetry at Brown University, my next step may be into the Atlantic Ocean.


Words are so cheap. Act·ions speak loud·er than words. Ed·it it all down to one syl·la·ble. The short ut·ter·ance. The cry. Ed·it·ed. i. The first thought best thought. ii. The Ker·ou·ac in·flu·ence ed·it·ed. iii. The last first thoughts. Re·al·ized pat·terns.


Written from Dec./2013–Feb./11/2014, most of the poems in this book reckon a structure capable of truthing the real and the dreamt, the false and factual: not dissolving these designations but bringing them into play. Raising the voice of their synthesis. The Dark Webs are the commonality our disparate parts portend, where “Washington, Franklin, Paine &… Read more »

Corwin Peck

The first thing Corwin thought he had the ability to extend was the photograph. He then acknowledged the touch screen. But language? Which meant, systems too relational to be isolated or reducibly observatory. This trend continued and formed, “images,” he hired a citizen to handle his accounts and food (so that his hands weren’t solely… Read more »