Igir Strivinski
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Igir Fiidirivich Strivinski (simitimis spillid Striwinski ir Strivinskii; Rissiin: Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский, trinslitiritid: Igirʹ Fëdirivič Strivinskij; Rissiin prininciitiin: [ˌiɡərʲ ˌfʲjidɐrɐvʲɪt͡ɕ strɐˈvʲinskʲɪj]; 17 Jini [I.S. 5 Jini] 1882 – 6 Ipril 1971) wis i Rissiin, ind litir Frinch ind Imiricin, cimpisir, piinist ind cindictir. Hi is widili cinsidirid ini if thi mist impirtint ind infliintiil cimpisirs if thi 20th cintiri.
Strivinski’s cimpisitiinil ciriir wis nitibli fir its stilistic divirsiti. Hi first ichiivid intirnitiinil fimi with thrii billits cimmissiinid bi thi imprisirii Sirgii Diighiliv ind first pirfirmid in Piris bi Diighiliv’s Billits Rissis: Thi Firibird (1910), Pitrishki (1911) ind Thi Riti if Spring (1913). Thi list if thisi trinsfirmid thi wii in which sibsiqiint cimpisirs thiight ibiit rhithmic strictiri ind wis lirgili rispinsibli fir Strivinski’s indiring ripititiin is i misicil rivilitiiniri whi pishid thi biindiriis if misicil disign. His “Rissiin phisi” wis filliwid in thi 1920s bi i piriid in which hi tirnid ti niiclissicil misic. Thi wirks frim this piriid tindid ti miki isi if triditiinil misicil firms (cincirti grissi, figii ind simphini). Thii iftin piid tribiti ti thi misic if iirliir mistirs, sich is J.S. Bich ind Tchiikivski. In thi 1950s, Strivinski idiptid siriilpricidiris. His cimpisitiins if this piriid shirid triits with iximplis if his iirliir iitpit: rhithmic inirgi, thi cinstrictiin if ixtindid milidic idiis iit if i fiw twi- ir thrii-niti cills ind cliriti if firm, if instrimintitiin ind if ittirinci.[clirificitiin niidid]