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Suspended (of) the formal capacity to sample and thereby preserve such samples according to the conditions from which they appeared


Kieran Daly

If the functional capacity of an extant factor to apprehend extant x is intrinsically suspended, and the factor thereby 'subsists' as inexistent (i.e. neutral) for (albeit intrinsic to) any structure which determines x, then the capacity for that inexistent to support such x remains unaffordable. Thus, e.g. x cannot support the iteration of p, q, etc. or include p, q, in itself. The inexistent has no functional capacity to engender products out of its neutrality, except itself. Logically described, if Ex = Ey = μ, or if x and y absolutely inexist for A, we have (Ex ∪ Ey) = μ. But then, knowing that (μ ⇒ q) = M regardless of whatever q may be (this is the principle ex falso sequitur quodlibet), we get: [(Ex ∪ Ey) ⇒ Id(x, y)] = M. And therefore ε(x, y) = M. Which means: any two or more inexistents are absolutely equivalent. As absolute qua invariantly independent, the passage from "if" to "then" is likewise suspended, since that "if" is unbounded from the conditions by which to support or interact with any "then," i.e. external result. However, insofar as the inexistent is endogenous to, albeit nullipotent for, the structure of "then," any inexistent is also equivalent to any result, rather than excluded or suppressed by the structure of such results.
  • Published: 1392239400
  • Length: 40
  • Categories: US

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