Posts Categorized: RO

Ciaran North

I am a third year creative writing student at the University of Roehampton, London. I have a strong passion for reading and writing.

Maria – Krista Szöcs

Krista Szöcs was born in 1990, in Sibiu, Romania. She published her first book in 2013, called „cu genunchii la gură” (Charmides), for wich she won The National Poetry Prize „Iustin Panța“ and was nominated for „Mihai Eminescu“ National Prize and for „The Young Poet of The Year 2013”.

locked in silence

These poems are from my first published book called “cu genunchii la gură and from the anthology ”tranzbordare13”. Someone told me that my poems can be placed “under the sign of silence”.

Dream Fragments Without Cover Sheet

These poems are from my first published book called “cu genunchii la gură and from the anthology ”tranzbordare13”. Someone told me that my poems can be placed “under the sign of silence”.