Posts Categorized: UK

Joshua Barnard

I have always had a creative streak – in music (where I am an accomplished drummer and Cajon player) and song writing; drama or Creative Writing. From my first “works” issuing a family newspaper aged 8 and writing to The Times, aged 12, I have continued to put pen to paper, throughout my life. Whilst… Read more »

Logos, Lexis, Lego

Logos, Lexis, Lego is a short poetic sequence that aims to combine elements of Collage, Projective Verse and Open Verse Notation using found text from a variety of sources and my own writing. My poem takes you through an extraordinary collage where juxtaposed text creates a challenging, thought-provoking work that conceals poems within poems and… Read more »

How Wrong Can I Be

A story about a man graduating from a London university in love with a girl, in poems, whom is from the North-East, and has to return there, due to having no work, and keep his shit together, but does not.

Playing Tao

A chance-led conceptual book using as its source text the Tao Te Ching, Playing Tao was written using a simple playing-card method which could be replicated by anybody and using any text.

Sean Wai Keung

Sean Wai Keung has been published in various magazines, journals and anthologies, including Lunar Poetry (UK) and the Suburban Review (AUS). He studied at Roehampton University (2011-2014) and the University of East Anglia (2014-2016). His debut pamphlet won the Rialto Open Pamphlet Competition 2016 and is due to be published later this year. He currently… Read more »


Title: THE DEPTHS OF WILD OCEANS: Tales of Death, Insanity, the Taxman and Everything In-between A collection of poems about insanity, death with some political musings thrown in there…Life beongsin these realms, but with a healthy helping of the opposite sex! (Or the same, it doesn’t really matter! Just enjoy life and all there is… Read more »

Georgina Wilding

I am currently a second year student studying Creative and Professional Writing at the University of Nottingham. Alongside this, I am a member of The Mouthy Poets, a collective of up and coming performance poets based in Nottingham. Since becoming a member, I have been lucky enough to be chosen to work on a number… Read more »

Five Poems

This is a collection of poems written in the style of Imagism, a twentieth century movement, which focuses on the exactness of observed detail. I enjoy likening this style to that of a photographer printing his work, except for here, you are printing with your words rather than ink. The poems in this collection range… Read more »