Small false translation of the Quran. It is called The Currant.
Small false translation of the Quran. It is called The Currant.
Remakes. Self-Plagiarism. Performance. Poems by Dylan Hansen-Fliedner
Every note made by Dane Mainella in his iPhone’s Notes app from date of phone purchase until publication of this book.
Gil Lawson is a writer from Santa Fe, NM. His work has appeared in, or is forthcoming from, n+1, Triple Canopy, Metazen, KTBAFC, theNewerYork, Hypocrite Reader, and others. He received the Bard College Written Arts Prize in May of 2013.
What is “reading” ?
Perspiration/PERSPECTIVE is a second by second transcription of movements and sounds in Vito Acconci’s Pryings. No Results Found demonstrates the continual search for validation.
The first thing Corwin thought he had the ability to extend was the photograph. He then acknowledged the touch screen. But language? Which meant, systems too relational to be isolated or reducibly observatory. This trend continued and formed, “images,” he hired a citizen to handle his accounts and food (so that his hands weren’t solely… Read more »
D2-D2 plans to write more books one day and enjoys reading. Also read the books who’s cover is nonsense.
This short compilation is a collection of sudden inspiration, massaged by the recursive filter. An eye interpreted into words, each verse contains the rapid fire emotion I feel day to day. The sun, the wind, friendly and seductive muses and everything in between lives within the very lines that hope to give a slow definition… Read more »
This book is a collection of 50 poems written as a final project for a course on ‘Experimental Writing’ taken with Nick Montfort at MIT during the spring semester of 2013. The popular game of Bananagrams was used to generate word sets for the poems, which were then written subject to the constraints that the… Read more »